Campus Visit Checklist

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Use this form when visiting colleges. It's so easy to forget details after you've visited a number of places; this form will help! Send a copy to yourself and another person.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Preparing for a Campus Visit

School Facilities

Are the facilities up to date?
Is the library good for studying and are there up to date computer facilities?
Are the dorm rooms and bathrooms something you can see yourself living in?
Are the food facilities a place you can see yourself eating?


Are the class sizes good for your learning environment?
Did you speak with a professor/faculty member to understand more about their academics?

Current Environment

Did you ask a student what they do in their spare time?
Did you ask a student if they like the school and what it has to offer?
Did you ask a student what they feel the best and worst thing is about this school?
Did you ask your tour guide why they selected this school to attend?
Did you look at the bulletin board to see what activities are going on?
Is there litter on the campus? Is the campus well groomed?

Outside Environment

Do you like the campus and is it a campus you can see yourself being a part of?
Driving/walking around the community surrounding the campus, is this a place you can see yourself enjoying?


Are the admissions requirements within your span of potential admissibility?
If you met with an admissions counselor, did you send an email thanking them for their time?
Did you keep the business card(s) of the people you met with on campus (Tour guide, admissions counselor…etc.)?
How well does this college fit me?
Signature College Counseling 845.551.6946
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