Making Sense of College Rankings

Making Sense of College Rankings

College Search
This is an article in our January 2021 Newsletter, click here. Although this article is directed to students just beginning their college search, it will also be useful to seniors…
How to Begin College Search

How to Begin College Search

Selecting a college is a multi-faceted task. It is more than just a question of public versus private, private versus state school, comparative GPAs, and admissions requirements. If you are a high school sophomore or junior, now is time to begin your college search.


College Search: Cover All of Your Bases

College Search

During your college search, cover all of your bases when asking yourself “What do I want (and need) out of my college experience?” As my seniors have all decided where they will attend this Fall, my juniors are deep into deciphering which colleges are for them.


College Choice: Who Chooses?

College Search

One of my parents emailed me this morning with the question, “Who chooses”? He hears from other parents that they let their kids choose which college to attend but, he asks, is that really the right answer?

Best College for You

Best College for You

College Search

During this critical time of making the final decision on which college to attend in the Fall from the list of schools you got accepted to, it’s always key to keep in perspective what is important when deciding.

College Planning and Search Help Orange County NY

College Search

Liz Levine was prepared for the reactions she got at New Windsor’s Community Day. As the head of the Signature College Counseling Service, she helps students select and apply to colleges. She can also help families in their search for financial aid. The people who stopped at her table at the Aug. 23 event were surprised. They didn’t know that such a service existed.