College Applications: Four Minutes to Review

College Applications: It Takes Four Minutes to Review What You’ve Done in Four Years

It’s never been more true that “less is more” when it comes to your college applications.

4 minutes is the amount of time UPenn says it takes to ACCEPT, DENY or WAITLIST/DEFER each applicant. Concise, to the point, and be selective on how you choose to convey yourself on your college applications.

I always say, colleges don’t accept students, they accept applications and that you have just a few minutes to catch those admissions officer’s attention. So, if you haven’t believed me in the past, maybe now this will be proof for you to do so now.

And keep in mind, the objective pieces of the application (grades/test scores) need to be competitive and in line with that school’s criteria for everything else in the application to matter.

Read on and in full the attached article that outlines the details that are a must read for anyone applying to colleges.

If you have any questions about the college admissions process or the above information please do not hesitate to contact me at or by phone, 845.551.6946, or on our contact page.

College Applications: It Takes Four Minutes to Review What You’ve Done in Four Years
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By Sara Harberson, Contributor
Founder, and

Four minutes. Four years. Oh, the irony and the sobering reality of modern day elite college admissions.

Huffington-Post-LogoThere used to be so much secrecy surrounding how admissions officers read college applications and how much time they spent on each application. Not anymore. The University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate Admissions Office recently revealed in an article for The Chronicle of Higher Education that it takes their staff a mere four minutes to read one application.

When I worked in that same office, it took me five or six times as long to initially read an application. That didn’t include the unaccounted time I spent re-reading, preparing, and meticulously going over each application for the selection committee. Back then, the reading and selection process moved swiftly. Fast forward to today, and Penn’s new reading and selection process moves at warp speed.

Penn officials say they needed to come up with a more sustainable model to handle the volume of applications they receive. Now, a team of two admissions officers reads a student’s application side-by-side. One person reviews the academic criteria (transcript, test scores, and recommendations), while the other person “reads” through the rest of the application (extracurricular involvement, essays, and interview report).

Within the four-minute period of time allotted, the two staff members make a recommendation on the admissions decision:

ADMIT, WAITLIST/DEFER, DENY. And, then they move on to the next application.

Penn is not the only college doing this. Swarthmore, Emory, The California Institute of Technology, and Pomona College have all streamlined their reading and selection processes. I predict there will be more colleges to follow. This needs to be viewed as the new “normal” when applying to elite colleges.

How has it gotten to this point? The answer lies in the economics. All colleges want more applications and the lowest admit rate possible. But they do not want to enlist more admissions officers—that would be very expensive. So the only way a college can pull off reading tens of thousands of applications is to significantly reduce the amount of time they spend considering each student.

At least we know the truth. And knowledge is the ultimate power. Students should approach this process understanding that their very best self needs to be represented in the most succinct and powerful way in their application. Those four minutes should be the best four minutes of an admissions officers’ day.

Here are five ways to do that:

1 ) Sync your objective measures to match the school you want to go to. Make sure your curriculum, grades, and test scores measure up with the profile of the admitted pool of students at the college. The objective pieces of the application need to be competitive for everything else in the application to matter.

2) Strike gold with your recommendation letters. Every person writing a letter for you should know who you are, what you offer, and how the school community has been influenced by you. If the teacher or counselor writing for you sees you as a once-in-a-career student, the letter they write for you will reflect that.

3) Optimize your extracurricular self. Find something so important to you and devote every chance you get to developing the idea, passion, or ability to its highest possible level. Significant impact on one extracurricular activity is much more powerful than a long list of “involvement” with little or no impact.

4)Soul search for your college essay. This will lead you to choosing the best topic for your main college essay. If the things that you write down could be written by anyone, cross them off the list. Your essay should be one-of-a-kind.

5)Crush the college supplement. The supplement for elite colleges usually separates the “competitive students” from the “admitted students.” The essays on the supplement should have the same high quality craftsmanship as everything else in the application.

Today’s admissions officers have extraordinarily less time to consider the nuances and details of a student’s college application. This new approach forces students to think more succinctly about who they are and how they want to present themselves in an application. The new mantra for the applying student needs to seize the moment; that’s all the time you get.

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By Sara Harberson, Contributor
Founder, and