Signature College Counseling helps students and families find and apply to colleges that will foster the student’s academic, social and personal growth.
We offer an array of college counseling services – college selection, application assistance, essay guidance, interview prep, financial aid assessment and more. Every plan is individualized and specific to your needs. Choose the plan that is best suited for you. Select from the options below or we can tailor a plan that fits your requirements. Remember, it’s all about you!”
~ Elizabeth Levine, Founder, Signature College Counseling
We video conference via Zoom.
Call (845) 551-6946 or email to get started.
• Meet to discuss student’s strengths, learning needs, goals, plans and aspirations appropriate to college placement as well as the family’s needs, concerns and questions about the college admissions process.
• Free of charge
• College Search: Research to prepare list of colleges based on academic, social, emotional and geographic parameters and associated meetings to discuss the results and associated strategies.
• Career Assessment: Implement and review our career assessment, The Pathway Planner, to discern potential major and career opportunities.
• Interview Preparation: Preparation for admissions interviews, including question response and mock interview sessions.
• Essay Guidance and Application Assistance: Management of the timeline and guidance throughout the preparation and submission of student’s essays, supplements, applications, standardized test scores and student resume.
• Financial Aid Guidance: Assistance with understanding of the financial aid process and completion of financial aid forms for the first year of college that student is attending (FAFSA & CSS Profile), which includes subsequent questions and review of award letters.
• Ongoing communications to discuss strategies, address questions and final college choice.
Click to read more about our Comprehensive College Counseling Plans.
Individualized Counseling Plans
• Completion and discussion of our College Search Questionnaire to assess student’s and family’s needs, research to prepare the student’s College Search Packet, inclusive of assumptions, best fit college list with associated statistics, assessment of core course GPA, categorization of schools as related to student’s credentials, two-page detail sheet for each school, all based on academic, social, financial and geographic parameters.
• Meet to discuss list of colleges, with follow-up and reworking throughout entire process, through finalizing decision on selection of college to attend.
• Calculation of estimated EFC (Expected Family Contribution) relating to financial aid to use in selection of best-fit colleges. Meet to discuss application strategy and other college admissions related questions, including recommendations and type of application submission (ED/EA/Regular).
• Final consultation to compare schools, inclusive of financial aid award letters and assistance with final college selection.
• Management of entire application process, timeline, individual deliverables ensuring all pieces are completed proactively and correctly.
• Assistance with preparation and submission of all applications, supplements, resume, and standardized test scores, and review of Naviance, if applicable.
• Final consultation to compare schools, inclusive of financial aid award letters and assistance with final college selection.
• Work with student to brainstorm topics for college essay/personal statement.
• Oversee and provide guidance for essay preparation and completion.
• Review essay for flow and accuracy.
• Additional essays will be assessed per our hourly fee.
• Meeting to review commonly asked college interview questions and appropriate responses unique to the student.
• Meeting to provide role-playing by working through mock interviews until the student feels comfortable.
• Pre-interview checklist and process to follow.
• Completion of Financial Aid Forms – Provide guidance and supervision in completing the FAFSA and/or CSS Profile, inclusive of all Email, phone and in-person communications, as well as analysis of financial aid award letters.
Click to read more about our College Financial Aid Process Assistance.
• Assessment to outline strengths in selecting majors, degrees, and careers to match thinking style, personality traits, and interests.
• You’ve gotten accepted to a series of colleges and now you need to make the final choice, that one school where you will be spending the next four years of your life. For many, this can be the most heart wrenching and daunting piece of the process.
Click to read more about our Final Consultation for Section of School Choice.