Common App Questions: To Answer or Not To Answer
The only questions that a student is required to answer on the Common App have a red ‘*’ next to them. All others are not required. That doesn’t mean, necessarily, that you shouldn’t answer them but understanding the ramifications if you do are important.
As an example, on the Common App under the PROFILE/CITIZENSHIP section (Common App Tab), they ask you to enter your social security number. It is not a required question but if you are going to apply for financial aid you have to enter this information. So, what can this mean if you enter your social security number but have no intention of applying for financial aid? A school may misinterpret that you are going to apply for financial aid when you have no intention to do so.
For schools that classify themselves as “Need Aware”, meaning they taking into consideration when making the decision on your application if you need financial aid, they may believe you will need aid when in fact you don’t. This could, in certain circumstances, mean the difference between acceptance or denial.
Here is the link to the Common Application website.
If you have any questions about the college admissions process or the above information please do not hesitate to contact me at or by phone, 845.551.6946.