Embrace What You Have and Understand Those That Don’t

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Embrace What You Have and Understand Those That Don’t

Trust me, I understand that most of you who are reading this blog have the means and the wherewithal to help your children through their college admissions journey. The funds, the time, the knowledge or the understanding of the tools and resources you have access to guide you through this daunting process. No one should chide you for this. Our children are fortunate for all that they have at their fingertips that most of us take for granted.

What we need to keep in mind and remind ourselves of is that there are those who have none of this to help guide them through their journey. We wonder why some students who are from an under represented group, who are much less fortunate than we are from a financial and support standpoint, gain acceptance to schools that may elude our well deserving children. We say it isn’t fair and I certainly am not going to argue that case. I see it each year and it is heartbreaking.

I urge you to take 5 minutes of your time and read this NY Times article written by a boy from Canarsie (Brooklyn). These are the kids who have to do so much more because they have less. This will open a window for you into their lives for those of us who are much more fortunate.

Click here for the article.

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Do you have questions about the college admissions process or the above information? Don’t hesitate to contact me at info@signaturecollegecounseling.com or by phone, 845.551.6946.

Contact us at info@signaturecollegecounseling.com or by phone, 845.551.6946. We work with students through Zoom, over the phone, and by email.