Feeling Incompetent?

Difficulty accompanies growth and feeling incompetent is a part of this very important process. If you never feel incompetent you can’t grow. Seth Godin states this succinctly and eloquently where it all makes sense.

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On Feeling Incompetent

by Seth Godin
Read this article online on Mr. Godin’s Blog, click here.

At some point, grown ups get tired of the feeling that accompanies growth and learning.

We start calling that feeling, “incompetence.”

We’re not good at the new software, we resist a brainstorming session for a new way to solve a problem, we never did bother to learn to juggle…

Not because we don’t want the outcomes, but because the journey promises to be difficult. Difficult in the sense that we’ll feel incompetent.

Which accompanies all growth.

First we realize something can be done.

Then we realize we can’t do it.

And finally, we get better at it.

It’s the second step that messes with us.

If you care enough to make a difference, if you care enough to get better–you should care enough to experience incompetence again.

Read this article online on Mr. Godin’s Blog, click here.

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Contact us at info@signaturecollegecounseling.com or by phone, 845.551.6946. We work with students through Zoom, over the phone, and by email.