Every student should have a resume. Not every college asks for one or needs one. It helps the student catalog what they have done over the past four years which will help them with documenting their activities on their applications. This will also help in prioritizing activities for their applications.
Rules for a student resume:
Try to stick to 1 page, if at all possible. Students are 17 or 18 years old. No matter how much they have done in their short lives, it typically can fit on one page. Use a smaller font and/or consolidate the numerous activities
• The resume must include a cell phone number AND Email address
• Explanations of activities should be concise kept to a minimum
• Everything does not have to be explained
• Everything on the resume should be truthful. Do not stretch the truth.
• If a student has been to a club once, please leave it out
• Experiences should not go earlier than 9th grade
Quick list of ideas for your resume:
• School leadership positions
• Club memberships
• Community service hours
• Music lessons/performance
• Athletic participation
• Work experience
• Honors/Awards
• Church activities
• Summer programs
• Outside interests
What not to include:
• School courses (these are on your transcript)
• Who’s Who Among America High School Students
• One time or limited participation events