I counsel my clients to consider 6 to 8 after they do their due diligence in researching and visiting colleges. That’s a good base number. Why?
College Essay: Less is More
Rid yourself of those meaningless words, “very” being one of them. They just take up space and dilute your intended meaning.
Overused College Admissions Terms
College Acceptance Rates Decline Over Time: A Must Read
Challenge Yourself and Enjoy the Perks at an Honors College
Of course, let’s start with the perks. Some potential merit aid that lowers your cost of going to school, smaller classes just for honors students, more faculty and advisors dedicated just for you, dorm with fellow honors peers in nicer housing, more international study opportunities, and maybe even priority registration, just to name a few.
College Search – Don’t Leave Anything to Chance
Where You Go to College: Does it Matter?
Does it really matter whether you attend an elite college? Numbers don’t lie: It’s more important to be hardworking and curious than to receive a certain thick envelope.
Elite College Admissions: The Inner Workings
Every year there are hundreds of thousands of students applying to our most selective higher education institutions with the hopes that they will be accepted along with this elite group of students and become a legacy, potentially solidifying for them…
College Interview
Breathing a sigh of relief when your college interview is over with? When the interview is done, you and the college admissions rep will shake hands no doubt, and he or she will escort you out.
I Need to Know What I Want to Major In, Don’t I?
I need to know what I want to major in, don’t I?
To Write or Not to Write, That is the Question
Every year it happens. I dread it. I can’t stop it, they can’t stop themselves. But when I read the revisions my heart sinks and I know it to be true.
The Two “Harvard Problems”
Think, deeply, when you do your college search, on why you are applying to each of the schools on your list. Do you have either of these “Harvard” problems?
College Email: How’s that in box looking lately?
Receiving all of your texts and reading them within minutes, if not seconds, of when they arrive, wanting to be 100% sure that you don’t miss something very important that may come across that messaging screen of yours?
Common App: August 1 – A Date You Should Take Note Of
College Bills Are Rolling In. Now What?
This isn’t rocket science. You get money from 3 places: Income, savings or by borrowing.
Where are you in your college admissions journey?
Where are Signature College Counseling’s students on their college admission’s journey now?
Dig Deep to Find Your Best College Match
If anything, the college search is a way to get to know yourself or, if you’re a parent reading this, an opportunity for your child to go deep within and discover themselves.
Is College for Me?
So, he went, begrudgingly. Then, he graduated and immediately went to work at an auto shop where he happily repaired cars and made a great salary. After learning the business side of the operation, he opened his own successful auto repair shop.
College Rankings – Should they drive where you decide to apply and attend college?
Seth Godin’s blog, “The problem with forced rankings”, outlines with great substance and clarity that rankings are not the end all gauge, by any stretch, for judging anything, leave alone your college choices.
5 College Essays Worth Reading
5 College Essays Worth Reading: About Work, Money and Social Class
College Search: Cover All of Your Bases
During your college search, cover all of your bases when asking yourself “What do I want (and need) out of my college experience?” As my seniors have all decided where they will attend this Fall, my juniors are deep into deciphering which colleges are for them.
Do Well in School, Be Nice and Find Your Passion
Do Well in School Be Nice Find Your Passion: When I’m asked “What more can my child do to round out their resume” I always say, do what you enjoy and you will do more of it. Don’t feel that you have to check off all of the boxes, thinking that is the magic ticket to gain acceptance to your school of choice.
College Applications: Four Minutes to Review
College Applications: It Takes Four Minutes to Review What You’ve Done in Four Years: It’s never been more true that “less is more” when it comes to your college applications.
College Admissions Requirements
Oh no!! I needed one more year of Latin? A good habit to get into when visiting college websites, or the colleges themselves, is to familiarize yourself with their high school and college admissions requirements.
College Application Follow Ups
The colleges you have applied to will begin to send you Emails letting you know that they have received your application…
Too Many Cooks May Spoil the Essay
As our students embark on the essay portion of their college admissions journey, one of my coaches gives a little speech. She reminds the student that the essay is just one part of their application.
FAFSA: What Tax Year is this Years FAFSA Based On?
This one is terrifying to me. One of my families just relayed onto me that their students guidance counselor told them that this years FAFSA, 2018-2019, is based on their 2015 tax return. NO, NO, NO and NO!!!!
College Food: Do You Want Fries with That?
So you’re 16 and how many times have you been asked, “What do you want to be?” I asked a 10-year-old girl if anyone has asked her this question and she said, yes, many times.
The SATs and ACTs: Make them work for Y-O-U
The SATs and ACTs should never define who you are but rather are a necessary part of every student’s college admissions journey.
What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?
So you’re 16 and how many times have you been asked, “What do you want to be?” I asked a 10-year-old girl if anyone has asked her this question and she said, yes, many times.
Four-Year College Degree, May Actually Be a 5 or 6 Year Degree
$43,234 X 4 = $172,936, that’s how much Suzy’s college education will cost for her to graduate from a four-year school. Think again!
College Visits: You’re Back. Now What?
I imagine you have a collection of tote bags filled to the brim with paper, books, pamphlets, notes, maps, maybe empty granola wrappers and water bottles.
College-Bound Juniors – There’s No Kicking Back this Year
Are you the hard-working ant, preparing for the future, storing up its winter supplies? Or the grinning green grasshopper, partying, procrastinating, who will eventually be starving when food gets scarce?
Rising Seniors – Start Working on Your College Applications!
There will be plenty of time for that after you’ve accomplished those important tasks for your college admissions journey. Now is the time to put the pedal to the metal, yes, it’s crunch time.
Rising Juniors
You’re about to embark on one of the greatest experiences of your life! The time between Sophomore Year and Junior Year is special.
College Visit Road Trip
That’s exactly what you have to do for a college road trip – when you pile into the car, onto the bus, or board the plane, you’ve prepared, you know what you’ll need to ask and what to see.
To Do Lists and Why We LOVE them!
Sometimes you have to think about choosing a college the same as if you were building a house. You wouldn’t just start nailing the wood together, right? So, you don’t go into the college admissions process without a plan. The plan is also known as the To Do List.
Radio Interview with Liz Levine of Signature College Counseling
Listen to Elizabeth Levine on WTBQ, 93.5 FM and 1010 AM, to gain more insight to the college admissions and financial aid process.
What Is Coalition Application and Who Should Complete It
The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success is more than just an application when you are ready to apply to college, it’s a commitment from about 135 colleges to provide the best college experience for the low-income and the first-generation student, from the college application process up to graduation.
College Interview Tips- What to do and what not to do
These are the golden rules I follow when preparing my students for their interviews: Be yourself, know why you want to attend, ask questions that you can’t find on their website that are of interest to you and practice, practice, practice!
Test Optional: How Optional is Test Optional?
I attended my association’s conference this past week (IECA) and wanted to share my notes on the test optional session that I felt some of you would find useful.
Timelines, and Why We Love Them
The Mayans were on to something when they came up with a calendar. Maybe they had to make sure they made the proper amount of sacrifices to the gods. Or maybe they had a kid getting ready for college.
You’ve Decided What College to Attend! Congratulations!
I sit here, as I do each year, reflecting on the experiences with all the families I helped through their college journey. There’s no better feeling in the world.
Have You Seen Enough Colleges?
Some of you are going to love the college search process, some are going to throw your hands up in surrender after one visit.
ACT/SAT Scores: What Score Should I be Shooting for?
What score should I be shooting for on the ACT or the SAT? I get this question more frequently than I can count.
Scholarships: Maybe you CAN Afford that College
You see that price tag: $59,000, per year. Ugh. You’re thinking, “Sorry, honey, we really can’t afford to send you to that college”, but wait… maybe you can!
Common App Essay Prompts Announced
Got some time to think? Why not think about the Common Application essay prompt?
College Process: Do It Together
Let Time Be On Your Side In The College Admissions Process
College Financial Aid Forms: Are they REALLY Complete?
College Financial Aid Forms: Are they REALLY Complete?
College Admissions Consultant
After completing my certificate in College Admissions Counseling through UCLA, I began my practice, Signature College Counseling. I am a Professional Member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), have guided over 200 families, and fully enveloped as a college admissions consultant, bringing students and colleges together.
Financial Aid: Should you complete the FAFSA even if you know that you won’t qualify for any financial aid?
College Admissions Process: Where are you in the College Admissions Process? Ask yourself these questions:
College Admissions Process
College Admissions Process: Where are you in the College Admissions Process? Ask yourself these questions:
Olympic Training Center, Colorado
The Olympics emote such emotion in me, thinking of our country and all the athletes that have worked their whole lives to participate and represent our country with 205 other nations.