University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

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I visited University of Connecticut on August 19 and you could feel the school spirit as soon as you set foot on campus. This school set in rural Storrs, CT, has everything you need on campus and then some. Of course, if you are looking for a town to visit so you can escape from campus life that isn’t expected for 7 – 10 years.

This large research university of 18,000 students does have undergrads participate in their research which is big plus. The average class size is 30 – 35 with 80% of their classes having less than 50 students. They are heavy into Agriculture and if you visit make sure you head over to their creamery, where the ice cream is made on campus. It is out of this world!

30% of their students come from out of state and all first year students take the course “FYE, First Year Experience”. They guaranty housing for 2 years although most students end up staying on campus for all 4. Due to their size they don’t take interviews for their applicants.

Visit the University of Connecticut website.