Did You Know That Most People Will Have 10-12 Jobs and Between Five and Seven Careers in Their Lifetime?
As we change and learn new things over time, our careers may change too.
With each new experience, you learn more about yourself and what you may be seeking in your job or career.
If you hope to advance your career, education and training will be the key to your success.
What Can I Do With This Major?
is a tool that provides information on over eighty educational paths and how they correspond to career opportunities.
Use this tool to:
• Research career fields
• Decide on an academic major
• Talk to a Partnership advisor about your career and educational plans
A Major is a specialized area of study at a college. It includes a group of courses focused on a specific subject area. Some examples include business, nursing, and psychology. Explore your options and enhance your career awareness. Take the time to increase your knowledge of educational paths and how they align with occupations.