Will Attending that Name Brand School Make all the Difference for My Future?

I subscribe to Seth Godin’s daily blog and today’s brought home for me what I tell my students and families in approaching not only where you go to school but life in general. It’s what you make of it and what you do that matters.

How does this apply to your college admissions journey? Find a school where you will thrive, socially, academically, financially and emotionally (Your SAFE match), where you will be able to grow and make a contribution that will catapult and prepare you for the next chapter of your life so you can always be proud of “the trail you left behind.”

Seth Godin’s Daily Blog – 1/26/18

Read article online, click here.

“Where did you go to school?”

An interesting question, perhaps, but irrelevant to a job interview.

The campus you spent four years on thirty years ago makes very little contribution to the job you’re going to do. Here’s what matters: The way you approach your work.

What have you built? What have you led? How do you make decisions? What’s your reserve of emotional labor like? How do you act when no one is looking?

You are not your resume. You are the trail you’ve left behind, the people you’ve influenced, the work you’ve done.

Contact us at info@signaturecollegecounseling.com or by phone, 845.551.6946. We work with students through Zoom, over the phone, and by email.